BACRouter Changlog v6.00+

BACRouter switched to ARM soc from v6.00.  Now the firmware file format is xxxx_xxxx_6.00_arm_xxxx.tar.gz

For firmware version prior to v6.00, please visit: old firmware

6.07  2025.01.10  Download

Because BACRouter highly rely on high resolution timer, If there is electromagnetic disturbance, the crystal on the board may be disturbed, so timer will drift, lead to program malfunction.  We add correct function in this version.

6.06  2025.01.07  Download

Bugfix for free client module’s binary output object. It was introduced by v6.01 Polarity feature.

Modbus master module: when writing to read only data address, some devices respond timeout instead of report a exception, which will cause BACRouter keeps trying and fails with offline. For this version, BACRouter will only try 3 times then gives up.

6.05  2025.01.04

Refactor low level arc156 and ms/tp drivers to simplify code.

ARC156 driver add logic to drop packet send to node responding excess NAK to Free Buffer Enquiry

WebUI: Remind user when IP or netmask has been changed but DHCP server keeps enabled,

6.04  2024.12.26  Download

Fix bug on ms/tp:  Sending packet to ms/tp port with NPDU length near 1497 bytes may trigger the bug.

6.03  2024.12.25

ARC156 is usable now.

6.01  2024.12.06

Fixed bug on bus name collision detection for Modbus/Free Client module.

Free Client:  Bianry objects add “Polority” attribute. Multistate objects add state quantity limitation of 256.